Sunday, August 21, 2011

Battle of the Sexes 3 - Female Wrestler vs. Male for the Championship

Satoko's last match was for the championship. She looked calm as she warmed up, pacing back and forth and stretching her muscular arms. Her opponent was jumping up and down in his corner, his dick bouncing around inside his singlet. It looked like he wasn't wearing any underwear, which didn't seem like a good idea since he was going to be wrapped around Satoko's firm body.

The ref called them both to the center of the mat and they stared at each other icily as the shook hands. Satoko had already taken out two men. If she defeated this one, she would take the men's championship crown.

The whistle blew and Satoko pounced like a tiger. She slammed her shoulder into his thighs and locked her hands below his ass. The with a mighty scream, she hoisted her male foe into the air. His face was full of terror and agony. I could see why. When Satoko locked her hands around him, she extended her thumb and it was now driving straight up into his anus. What punishment! The guy was just abut begging for her to slam him down onto the mat, but Satoko kept him in the air for a minute until he cried out in pain. Then she drove forward and brought him crashing down onto the mat with a thunderous boom.

The guy twisted around so he was on his belly. They were right on the edge of the mat now, just a few inches from where I was sitting. I could hear the male wrestler panting for breath as Satoko climbed onto his back, put him in a hammerlock with one arm and grabbed the back of his head with the other, rubbing his sweaty face into the mat in front of me. The poor guy's face was all contorted. Every time he exhaled he let out a little grunt: "aghhh, aghhh."

The action was stalling now, so the ref brought them up to their feet. The locked up in the standing position and Satoko shot another takedown, but this time he was ready for her and sprawled, grabbing hold of Satoko's head and bringing her to her knees. She managed to move to his side and slung her arm around his back. Then she wiggled her head out from his arm and swung back on top of him. Now she controlled him. She grabbed his ankles and began twisting, racking up point as he flipped over and over. The ref blew the whistle as they came to the edge of the mat and Satoko just let go of the guy, sending him rolling right into me and the other spectators.

His sweaty head landed right in my lap. He looked up at me and shook his head in disbelief. I gave him a sympathetic look and helped him up. I did feel bad for the guy. But I was more in awe of Satoko and how she was completely dominating a third male wrestler.

The ref blew the whistle to start the final period. The male wrestler needed a pin if he wanted to win. Satoko was way ahead on points and was on the verge of a tech fall. She didn't seem to want that though, she wanted to pin him. They each shot some takedowns and scrambled for a few minutes. Time was running out and the man was getting desperate. The were both on their hands and knees lunging at each other. The guy went for Satoko's left leg. But as he did that, she grabbed hold of his left leg and trapped his head, pressing it low into her belly. He was getting quite a faceful as she grabbed his left ankle and hooked her free leg around his other leg.

"Shit! she's gonna spladle him!" I heard one of the other wrestlers in the crowd say.

And sure enough, she tilted him over, spreading is legs far apart and over his head. His ass was spread wide open and balls were bulging out of his singlet. He was screaming in pain. It almost looked like he was going to cry. The women wrestlers in the audience were going wild. What a sight. This was probably the most humiliating way she could have possibly pinned him. The guys were gasping, their eyes bulging out as they witnessed one of their own getting beaten down by a female.
The ref slapped the mat and blew the whistle. Satoko released her victim and ran into the arms of a crowd of female wrestlers. Her defeated male opponent writhed in pain on the mat. A few of the male wrestlers came out to massage his thighs as the women celebrated.

Finally, the ref raised Satoko's arm in victory. The man she beat was limping. She had really worked him over.

Satoko brimmed with pride as the medals were handed out. She stoop atop the first prize pedestal -- over all the men she had defeated and had her photo taken.

At the end of the tournament, it was announced that from now on, there would be no men's and women's divisions. Instead, men and women wrestlers would battle each other regardless of sex and the best man -- or woman -- would be the champion.


  1. It's happened so many times where just one girl manages to win an entire tournament for boys. We won't stand a chance of winning once more girls begin wrestling.

  2. Is there a video detailing this? Or is this just a fantasy?
