Sunday, May 17, 2020

good match - she's the superior wrestler


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I see a lot more videos where black girls beat white guys on youtube.
    They seem stronger and physically stronger then them!
    I counted over 200 to 20 wins over whte guys!

    1. I’ve noticed that also. Most of those matches aren’t even close. The girl usually puts the guy through a pretty good beating. It’s like the guys know they are in for a beating when they step on the mat.

    2. The stronger denser bones, higher testosterone, bigger glutes, more aggression = black girls being ridiculously dominant

    3. Think they’re the most dominant over boys?

    4. I'm a white guy who has wrestled a few black girls. They were incredibly strong but they never went right for a win. The would drag it out. I was completely exhausted by the end of those matches.

  3. I wonder if a guy can actually recover after such a loss to a Girl or if they would forfeit if they had to face another girl

    1. I think there are some guys who never recover from losses like this. So the guys won’t wrestle the girls anymore. They’d rather forfeit any/all matches against the girls instead of taking another beating from them.

    2. I see a guy who losing several girls.And some guys losing 4-5 times against the same girl.Losing several girls is very hard but losing many times the same girl it is brutal.

    3. It breaks male prude. The worse is if his girlfriend see the match
