Sunday, December 20, 2020

he almost had her but she came back to pin him


  1. 30 years ago, I read about a girl wrestler defeating a boy in the newspaper, and it was big news. Just seeing a boy on the defensive, against a girl, looked strange. Now, it's not uncommon to see a video with a boy fighting for his life, trying to escape, trying to bridge, flopping around like a fish, as the girl pins him. He's not only losing, but, sometimes, It appears, the girl goes out her way to pin him in the most embarrassing position possible!!

    1. And it seems to be getting easier for them all the time

  2. She is 15 age and she is taking her male opponents as a victim.She makes fun of them when they are defeated!After she defeated you she will humiliating you.

    1. There are videos about a 12 years old girl that has defeated senior boys...
