Sunday, December 8, 2019

Guy gets pinned by TWO different female wrestlers!!!


  1. The girls were obviously better than him but at least he didn’t take the easy way out and forfeit to them. The losses on his record to the girls by pin is a lot better then if they were losses by forfeit. He made the girls earn their wins over him.

  2. I bet he knows his place now. It's safe to say he no longer has any delusions about the supposed superiority of his gender

  3. Whenever, a boy loses to a girl, the excuse is: she's more advanced, therefore, a better technical wrestler. The thing is, they are wrestling at the same weight, and being a male, he should have a strength advantage. When a girl can control you, it's definitely an ego crusher.

    1. Worse is when she is younger and wrestling up. I'm not sure if I agree with Jamie above and wished I had forfeited
