Friday, December 13, 2019

she owns the mat - 3 guys beaten in brutal matches


  1. this is really brutal Heidi Raines locked this males and let showed the crowd the defeated sex.
    looking the crowd so many women and girls cheers and support this girl to do this.
    What a humiliating and painful situation when she cradle me in front of all this womens and all see my beaten dick.
    Heidi Raines humiliating absolute brutal 3 males on one day what a tough girl

  2. Getting cradled is humiliating enough, but, by a girl...DAMN!!!!

  3. This girl is hardcore! Strong, skilled and ruthless.

  4. A lot, of guys play off a loss to a girl, as,"well, I really wasn't trying." How then, do you explain to family, friends, and girlfriend, you weren't really trying, after getting cradled or worse, spladled. Getting pinned is bad enough, but, when a girl has your feet waving in the air, against your will, what can you say?
